Your LinkedIn Amigo

Tools and services that will make you a better LinkedIn creator

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Personal Brands are most valuable form of marketing.

The future of branding is personal

How LinkedIn has changed

LinkedIn has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. In this guide, we’ll unravel the key shifts that are shaping LinkedIn in 2024, and how you can leverage them to optimise your profile. 

With over 1 billion members, LinkedIn is more than just a digital resume. It’s a dynamic hub for professionals to connect, learn, and share. It has quickly become the go-to platform for building profitable personal brands.

Why build a personal brand on LinkedIn

Building a personal brand is a wise investment for professionals at every stage of their career, whether you’re a Fortune 500 CEO looking to improve company reputation, or a prospective employee looking for new opportunities. 

Building a personal brand


Leadership Presence:
Building a personal brand on LinkedIn enhances the leadership presence of management professionals. It helps establish authority and credibility in their industry.

Networking at a Higher Level:
Directors and founders often engage in high-level networking. LinkedIn allows them to connect with industry leaders, potential partners, and investors to further their business interests.

Company Representation:
Management professionals are the face of their organisations. A strong personal brand positively reflects on the company, attracting clients, investors, and top talent.

Thought Leadership:
Directors and founders can use LinkedIn to share their industry insights and thought leadership, contributing to the overall reputation of the company.

Recruitment and Talent Attraction:
A strong personal brand aids in attracting top talent. Prospective employees may research company leaders on LinkedIn before considering job opportunities.

Why inamigo Exists

We believe everyone should be building a personal brand. After helping our clients grow their brands on LinkedIn, we quickly realised not everyone can afford our services. That’s when we had our lightbulb moment.

What if we could offer a version of our services using AI?
That’s when inamigo was born.

After trying many AI writing tools we realised none of them were quite right… AI should be used to assist and inspire, not become your brand. Personal brands should be just that, personal. 

Try Our AI Tools For Yourself

Write Better Hooks

The Hook Builder will make writing hooks that much easier. We have designed it to produce results that feel authentic, are grab attention.

Think Of Better Ideas

The Idea Enginge helps you come up with a wide range of relevant and interesting content topics.

Tell Your Stories

The Story Inspiration tool is designed to guide users to tell their stories in an effective and engaging way.

Shh... It's a secret

This tool could revolutionise personal branding... Sadly, it isn't ready yet.

What some of your favourite creators think

I must say that I'm utterly impressed by how remarkable this particular thing is. Dope...

Daniel Jay Lyle

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I must say that I'm utterly impressed by how remarkable this particular thing is. Dope...

Daniel Jay Lyle

Random LinkedIn person

I must say that I'm utterly impressed by how remarkable this particular thing is. Dope...

Daniel Jay Lyle

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I must say that I'm utterly impressed by how remarkable this particular thing is. Dope...

Daniel Jay Lyle

Random LinkedIn person

I must say that I'm utterly impressed by how remarkable this particular thing is. Dope...

Daniel Jay Lyle

Random LinkedIn person

I must say that I'm utterly impressed by how remarkable this particular thing is. Dope...

Daniel Jay Lyle

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